torsdag 9 juni 2016

Graduating weekend of DCLS

Graduating weekend of my second year at the Dream Center was quite the emotional yet exciting weekend. Excited to go back home and start a new season, but sad that it was probably the last time in a really long time seeing some of my favourite people ever.. and also knowing it was probably the last time ever seeing some of these people... Ugh. Emotional. But yet so exciting to see where we all end up. 
Friday night was the banquet night and Sunday was grad, and on Tuesday I went home! Crazy!
and if you're interested I spent saturday going to adopt a block for the last time seeing some of my kids, now THAT was probably the hardest thing ever..., and then I spent my last saturday evening in LA with my roomies in my room watching new girl and drinking starbucks... lol, classic. Some things never change. On Monday however I went to Unicersal studios to the wizarding world of Harry Potter, and that was probably one of the best ways to spend your last day in LA I would say. Nothing to cheer you up like butter beer! 

Here are some pics from banquet and grad!
 c l a s s f i V e : )
 Smallgroupfam lookin real gangstah
We sat next to each other all year and randomly happened to do it again at the banquet one last time. Had so much fun. Love these ones!
After the banquet we went to the Lackma lights as a last roomie date! It was so fun, I'll miss these silly ones
 Gradnight with my beautiful small group daughters!

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