tisdag 27 februari 2018

Weekend Getaway & New Phone

I've had the best weekend! Visited my sister in Norrköping and had so much fun! We went shopping (rip wallet), we played videogames, I got a haircut & did my brows at my sisters favourite saloon, we went on walks in the beautiful yet freaking ice-cold weather, and got all dressed up & went out! But for the majority of the time...just watched way too much netflix & ate far too much junkfood. Good times, goood times.
I also finally got around to buy my new phone; an iPhone X! Very excited about this, my last one was an iPhone SE that barely works so this was definitely an upgrade. And I already love it! We were all about them portrait mode-selfies, ha.

I helgen så hälsade jag på min syster Victoria & min svåger Anton i Norrköping och det var en så solig & härlig helg! Vi shoppade(alldeles för mycket), spelade spel, jag både klippte mig & fixade bryn & färgade fransar på min systers favoritsalong, vi gick på promenader i det fina men fruktansvärt kalla vädret, vi klädde upp oss & gick ut en av kvällarna...; men majoriteten av tiden så tittade vi på alldeles för mycket netflixoch både åt och drack alledeles för onyttigt. Good times, goood times!
Jag köpte även äntligen min nya telefon, en iPhone X! Så himla lycklig över detta, min förra var en iPhone SE som knappt fungerar så man kan ju lugnt säga att det var an hell of an upgrade. Älskar den redan, och jag & Vicky lekte så mycket med portraitmode-selfies.
 I genuinely love this city! It's (obviously) a lot bigger than mine yet not 'too big' and still has a lot of nature close to town. Löve it. And who knows, might be here I'll go to uni in the autumn! It's such an exciting yet scary thing not to know yet.

Tycker Norrköping är så himla fint & mysigt! En storstad som ändå inte är 'för stor'. Vem vet, kanske blir här jag pluggar i höst!
 Took this in Espresso Houses bathroom, hahah. Just thought it looked so nice I couldn't help myself
These were taken on friday night(hence my old phone) when we went out! Bought this black & white blazer friday afternoon at Vero Moda and I absolutely love it. Do you ever just buy a piece of clothing and it automatically becomes like your favourite thing & you don't even know how you used to survive without it? I just love it. So much in fact...that I literally wore it all weekend haha. Obsessed.

Tog dessa fredagkväll(därav min iPhone SE). Köpte denna fina svartvita kavaj på Vero Moda några timmar innan och åhh vad jag älskar den. Så mycket att jag i stort sett hade på mig den hela helgen sen..., haha. Obsessed!
 Messing around with portrait mode-selfies. Last one was taken with Lulu & dad when I got home, too funny not to share haha!
 What a beautiful day.....to get stuck behind a tractor driving 50km/h... Thankful I got to borrow my dads car for the weekend at least! So nice to drive & the soundsystem is all the goals.
I'm pretty confident in saying I had the best weekend of the year so far! Feeling thankful, happy and, well, to be honest...also quite broke lol. Anywho, new vlog on my youtube channel from this weekend is coming your way soon!

Rätt så säker på att det här var min favorithelg av 2018 än så länge. Känner mig så glad & tacksam! Känner mig också ganska så pank haha, men det var det värt!

tisdag 20 februari 2018

The ups and downs of winter

So I caught the flu...really badly... the ironic thing is that I felt it coming for a really long time and tried to avoid it breaking out. I was so tired all the time I took a lot of extra time to rest & sleep and drank lots of tea hoping it'd go away & I stayed inside even more than usual and so on..and yet; it broke out real bad. I stayed home from work for over a week. Missed a bunch of events that I was supposed to help lead and so on... (but hey at least I ' caught up' on friends for the millionth time, woohoo!) I completely lost my voice, my throat hurt so bad I couldn't eat at all and even swallowing my own saliva hurt(tmi but sorry not sorry), had a constant cough that made my back & chest feel like they were going to explode every time I coughed and a very stuffed nose. And yet the doctors wouldn't see me because it's "only the flu, nothing they can do". It was the worst week ever and everytime I went to bed I coughed so much & my throat hurt so bad I was like a 100% sure I was going to die. Yeah...never google your symptoms kids...

But enough of me whining haha. It took about two weeks but I'm finally feeling better!! Still have a little bit of a cough but at least it's not the kind that makes my chest explode, yay. 
Got work for two more days and then I'm off for the weekend to go visit my sister. I'm superexcited! I'm getting both my brows & eyelashes done, I'm getting a haircut aaand finally a new phone, YAY!! So basically I'm spending a buunch of money this weekend and I'm very excited about it! I will also be spending a lot of quality-time with my brother in laws game cube which I'm also very excited about.

The weather has been very beautiful & snowy lately so here are some more pictures from the walk I took today. It's so refreshing taking long walks in the forest, really makes me miss having a dog though.
 Tried to take a cute pic of my boots.., didn't really succeed did I... 
I actually got so much snow in my boots I was freezing cold by the time I got home. Which made me scared I was going to get sick again so I immediately took a footbath to defrost. Which was so freaking relaxing and perfect that I now question why I don't do that every single time I come home feeling cold. Highly recommend it! Especially if you're one of those people, like me, that if your feet are cold it equals your entire body feeling cold. 
Råkade på en rejäl förkylning i nästan två hela veckor. Varit hemma en massa från jobbet & har knappt orkat göra någonting men nu mår jag äntligen lite bättre! Lite hostig fortfarande men ingenting jämfört med för en vecka sedan då det kändes som hela min bröstkorg skulle explodera varje gång jag hostade. 
Var ute och gick en sväng i dag och som ni ser så är det så vacker vinter just nu! Tyvärr är det väl därför så många blir sjuka, men fint är det iallafall. Hoppas dock att snökaoset lugnar ner sig till helgen då jag ska åka & hälsa på min syster i Norrköping! Ser fram emot detta så otroligt! Ska klippa mig, fixa bryn & fransar och dessutom äntligen köpa en ny telefon! Yay!! Blir nog även en hel del kvalitetstid med min svågers game cube, haha. Kommer bli en så kul helg!

lördag 3 februari 2018

To do lists

new blogdesign, who dis?
sooo freaking happy to finally have made some changes & improvements on here, instead of still having the cringe photos from 2014... although now afterwards I really do regret not taking a screenshot of it before changing it for memories sake, but oh well too late now.
I was feeling quite ill both thursday and friday so basically cancelled all my weekend plans to stay in bed. I came home from work at around 7pm, sat on the sofa and put on friends...and literally fell asleep until 11pm, got out of the sofa, had a glass of water and then literally went to bed and slept until 12 the next day. I literally neverrr sleep that much sooo yeahhh you could say my body had definitely caught something & needed to sleep it out, lol.

So my to do list got completely scratched and I just spent the day doing literally nothing. Which was annoying as I wished I could've gotten stuff done, but also quite nice since I got a chance to catch up on some tvshows (finished stranger things season 2 and OHMYLORD) and fix my blogdesign!

Does anybody else make to do lists for literally everything? 
I've made very detailed to do lists since my early teenage years... I make them so detailed that I time everything I have to do, even silly things like making food and eating it. I don't even know why...
For example; I made one for sunday that goes like this:
10 - wake up, coffee, smoothie
11 - some editing
12 - dust & vaccum
13 - shower and get ready
14 - leave for church

Am I the only one who does this? Probably huh...
I don't even know why I do it. Quite often I end up procrastinating & not even doing half of the things on the list but I still like to have the day planned out just in case I "feel productive" & it lowkey stresses me out not having a list when I know I have stuff to do. I don't always write them that detailed but I do feel like I have forgotten something important if I haven't written anything down.. yeah... guess I have an inner Monica Geller, lol.