tisdag 28 juni 2016

Midsummer Celebration

Sweden has a huge celebration in June every year called midsummer. We put flowers in our hairs and dance silly old dances around a giant pole that we also decorate with flowers. Traditionally it was to celebrate that we can fertilize(so you can now make your guesses of what the pole originally resembles), but nowadays it's more just a celebration of summer and to be honest for most people just a good reason to throw a summer party and get drunk. It's also always celebrated on the brightest weekend of the entire year.
I happen to love it. My friends and I went the traditional way and celebrated with a church in Holsby and danced around with a bunch of random people. It was some good ol' fun although it was stinkinnn hot. We then went home to one of our friends house and had some barbeque and chilled out. Had such a great time!
Midsommar är en sådan underbar tid på året och jag var så lycklig att jag var ledig ifrån jobbet! Jag och några vänner åkte till Holsby där kyrkan där håller i lite traditionellt midsommarfirande. Vi dansade runt midsommarstången och bara hade det allmänt kul! Det var sjukligt varmt men det var ändå så mysigt! Efteråt åkte vi hem till en av oss hus och grillade och hade en riktigt härlig chillkväll. Ultimata midsommarfirandet om du frågar mig.

My mom helped me make a flowercrown! It turned out to be a bit too big later on, and so did Sophies haha.. So Lulu got mine later on and I got Sophies. So note to next year, make it a bit too small in the beginning. / Mamma hjälpte mig med midsommarkransen! Min blev dock för stor senare på dagen, och samma sak hände med Sophies, så Lollo fick min och jag fick Sophies. Måste försöka komma ihåg  att göra den lite för liten i början nästa år, i och med att den töjs ut. 

Me & my sister! / Jag och syrran! 

Milla was excited too, haha! / Milla var taggad för midsommar hon med, förmodligen grillmaten mer än något annat, lol.
Siselas amazingly beautiful cake! And it tasted almost as delicious as it looks. / Siselas helt fantastiskt vackra tårta!

onsdag 15 juni 2016

The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter Hollywood

My roommate Alexas family came to visit for a weekend and I tagged along when they went to Universal Hollywood, and the Wizarding world of Harry Potter. And I absolutely fell in love! We went on all the rides and got to try butterbeer and a bunch of different wands, it was literally magical! It was so magical Alexa and I even went back on my last day in LA, haha. Is there a better way to spend it? I think not. 
At that time I also bought myself a wand, which I found so freaking hard to decide which one, but I finally decided on the wand of  Fleur Delacour. It was a little more original the what most people would have I figured, as well as I would like to buy the package deal with Harrys, Rons, Hermiones, Lunas, Nevilles and Ginnys one day, haha... yep. I'm that kind of nerdy. However, I bought a bit of a more expensive wand so that I could do magic around in Hogsmeade there. You got a map to the specific places, where if you made the right move with your wand and said the right spell outside a window, something would happen in it. For example one was Wingardium Leviosa, and then I believe it was a quidditch ball that started flying. It was really cool!! 
But enough of my nerdy ramble; here are just a few photos from it:

måndag 13 juni 2016

Home Sweet Home

Back home in Sweden and it feels really good!! Everything is so so green and I am loving it. I start work almost immediately so that is not as fun, but I am just thankful to have a job so it's fine! So happy to be reunited with my dog whom I missed so dearly and with my parents and all my friends and of course with my sisters and just everything! I had forgotten how much I love my country and my hometown, and how comfortable it is to speak my main language. It's been so good to be back! 
And speaking of my main language I think I might be starting to write in both languages again... We'll see though, it does require a lot of extra time and I am quite enjoying to write in English.. So we'll see what I decide in the next few posts! haha

Reunited with bae <3
Ugh. Isn't it beautiful?

torsdag 9 juni 2016

Graduating weekend of DCLS

Graduating weekend of my second year at the Dream Center was quite the emotional yet exciting weekend. Excited to go back home and start a new season, but sad that it was probably the last time in a really long time seeing some of my favourite people ever.. and also knowing it was probably the last time ever seeing some of these people... Ugh. Emotional. But yet so exciting to see where we all end up. 
Friday night was the banquet night and Sunday was grad, and on Tuesday I went home! Crazy!
and if you're interested I spent saturday going to adopt a block for the last time seeing some of my kids, now THAT was probably the hardest thing ever..., and then I spent my last saturday evening in LA with my roomies in my room watching new girl and drinking starbucks... lol, classic. Some things never change. On Monday however I went to Unicersal studios to the wizarding world of Harry Potter, and that was probably one of the best ways to spend your last day in LA I would say. Nothing to cheer you up like butter beer! 

Here are some pics from banquet and grad!
 c l a s s f i V e : )
 Smallgroupfam lookin real gangstah
We sat next to each other all year and randomly happened to do it again at the banquet one last time. Had so much fun. Love these ones!
After the banquet we went to the Lackma lights as a last roomie date! It was so fun, I'll miss these silly ones
 Gradnight with my beautiful small group daughters!