torsdag 24 december 2015

Christmas Eve

In Sweden we celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve, so it was quite a different Christmas Eve this year! It was filled with loads of Christmas preparation and cooking and then at night a dinner with the their family and relatives! It was different, but I quite enjoyed it! 
I Amerika så firar man ju på juldagen så detta års julafton var väldigt annorlunda. Den var fylld med förberedelser och på kvällen så var det middag med släkt och familj! Det var väldigt annorlunda, men det var ändå väldigt kul! Och vi såg till att se Kalle Anka klockan tre iallafall, extremt viktigt haha!

So happy they're here!
The lovely Pontén family!
Austin and I. The Swede that's living in America and the American that's living in Sweden! Talk about plottwist haha. 
The Pontén family is very musically talented so they played a bunch of Christmas songs! 

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