Del två av min och mammas resa till Sri Lanka!
We spent monday-thursday at the bible-school, mom taught while I was in another room catching up on some studies! I attended some classes though. / Vi var på bibelskolan måndag-torsdag, mamma undervisade medan jag pluggade i ett rum bredvisd! Jag var dock med på några lektioner och vittnade på en.
We visited a tea factory! It was so interesting to see how they make tea from scratch. (I wasn't allowed to take pictures inside but sneakily took this, and this is just before they start making it to tea.) / Vi Åkte till en "te-fabrik"! Det var så kul och intressant att få se hur de gör te från början. (Jag var ecok inte tillåten och ta bilder men smygfotade denna bild som är precis innan de börjar göra processen till att få det till te.
With our tour-guide outside the building! His english accent was literally so lovely, haha
Everyone had to wear these... #fab
It was so yummy! (oh and big surprise btw that half of the tourists there were british....? lol)
Cutest kitten! ahh
High five sky? haha
Went to a strawberry-place to eat after! And appearently they were influenced by Linné? #swedenpower ! / Åkte till ett jordgubbs-ställe för att äta efteråt! Och tydligen var de inspirerade av Linné? Swedenpower!
We weren't so hungry so we only took pancakes and a strawberry milkshake/strawberry drink. But they literally had everything, strawberry pizza, strawberry spaghetti, you name it
Visited an old lady and her husband with Monica, she was overjoyed that we came. so cute!
Just random beautiful nature taken from the tuktuk! (their kind of-ish taxi)
With the lunch-lady!
Went to mackwoods, another tea factory, on the way home!
Spent the last day at the hotel in Candy. Mostly just sleeping tbh lol... I did get a bit of a migraine cause it was SO incredibly hot i thought I would die haha. But we did go to the beach later in the day as well and it was refreshing. It was very windy and the water very cold but oh how i love it. The ocean makes me so happy. Pure Joy, haha. / Spenderade sista dagen på ett hotell i Candy. Sov mest där haha... För jag fick lite migrän i och med att det var SÅ extremt varmt, usch. Men vi gick även till stranden senare och det var så underbart. Väldigt blåsigt och vattnet var rätt så kallt men åh vad jag älskar det. Havet gör mig lyrisk!
So happy and thankful for this trip!! And also thankful for my lovely mama! :* / Så glad och tacksam för den här resan!! Och också så tacksam för min underbara mamma! <3
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