So I caught the flu...really badly... the ironic thing is that I felt it coming for a really long time and tried to avoid it breaking out. I was so tired all the time I took a lot of extra time to rest & sleep and drank lots of tea hoping it'd go away & I stayed inside even more than usual and so on..and yet; it broke out real bad. I stayed home from work for over a week. Missed a bunch of events that I was supposed to help lead and so on... (but hey at least I ' caught up' on friends for the millionth time, woohoo!) I completely lost my voice, my throat hurt so bad I couldn't eat at all and even swallowing my own saliva hurt(tmi but sorry not sorry), had a constant cough that made my back & chest feel like they were going to explode every time I coughed and a very stuffed nose. And yet the doctors wouldn't see me because it's "only the flu, nothing they can do". It was the worst week ever and everytime I went to bed I coughed so much & my throat hurt so bad I was like a 100% sure I was going to die. Yeah...never google your symptoms kids...
But enough of me whining haha. It took about two weeks but I'm finally feeling better!! Still have a little bit of a cough but at least it's not the kind that makes my chest explode, yay.
Got work for two more days and then I'm off for the weekend to go visit my sister. I'm superexcited! I'm getting both my brows & eyelashes done, I'm getting a haircut aaand finally a new phone, YAY!! So basically I'm spending a buunch of money this weekend and I'm very excited about it! I will also be spending a lot of quality-time with my brother in laws game cube which I'm also very excited about.
The weather has been very beautiful & snowy lately so here are some more pictures from the walk I took today. It's so refreshing taking long walks in the forest, really makes me miss having a dog though.
Tried to take a cute pic of my boots.., didn't really succeed did I...
I actually got so much snow in my boots I was freezing cold by the time I got home. Which made me scared I was going to get sick again so I immediately took a footbath to defrost. Which was so freaking relaxing and perfect that I now question why I don't do that every single time I come home feeling cold. Highly recommend it! Especially if you're one of those people, like me, that if your feet are cold it equals your entire body feeling cold.
Råkade på en rejäl förkylning i nästan två hela veckor. Varit hemma en massa från jobbet & har knappt orkat göra någonting men nu mår jag äntligen lite bättre! Lite hostig fortfarande men ingenting jämfört med för en vecka sedan då det kändes som hela min bröstkorg skulle explodera varje gång jag hostade.
Var ute och gick en sväng i dag och som ni ser så är det så vacker vinter just nu! Tyvärr är det väl därför så många blir sjuka, men fint är det iallafall. Hoppas dock att snökaoset lugnar ner sig till helgen då jag ska åka & hälsa på min syster i Norrköping! Ser fram emot detta så otroligt! Ska klippa mig, fixa bryn & fransar och dessutom äntligen köpa en ny telefon! Yay!! Blir nog även en hel del kvalitetstid med min svågers game cube, haha. Kommer bli en så kul helg!
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