I posted my very first YouTube video yesterday. *gasps*
It’s a vlog from my family-trip to Liverpool, It’s not the greatest but it’s a start. You may or may not remember my New Years resolutions of 2016, where I say I’m going to start to make videos... weeeellll... like most new years resolutions it got delayed.. ha
I genuinely love YouTube!
It’s the perfect platform to get really creative & to get inspired by others, wether it’s from vlogs, cooking, tutorials or gaming videos ~ the possibilities are endless. I’ve been quite the YouTube nerd since my early teen years and I love watching creators grow and get creative both in how they edit and in what kind of content they grow into making. I find it so entertaining and I often find myself binge watching youtubers rather than tv shows.
Being a massive fan(read fangirl) for so long has inspired me to want to creative something myself. So it has basically been my New Years resolution for several years now to start making videos and last year I actually filmed quite a lot, but never really put together anything I wanted to post. It’s a scary thing, putting yourself out there for the whole world to judge how you look, how you act, how you edit, etc. I’m such a perfectionist too, and that really holds me back. Especially while being new to editing videos too. I just don’t feel like I’m ever done, something can always be a little bit better.
But now I’m saying screw it. The video I posted now wasn’t perfect in any way! Too long clips, too long texts, not perfectly matched with the music, etc.It’s not perfect but it’s a start; and I truly enjoyed making it, and that’s all that matters.
My goal is at least one video every month this year, we’ll see how it goes! My goal with it is to simple have fun with it, to develop in my editing skills(lord knows I need to) and to find my kind of way of making videos. (To find my own ‘touch’ of it so to say, if that makes sense.)
I’m excited! So come join me with subscribing & giving all them thumbs up if you’d like to see future content!
La ut en youtubevideo ifrån familjeresan till Liverpool i december. Älskar youtube och tycker det är så inspirerande på så många sätt! Jag är en amatör med att redigera & med att filma, men vill gärna utvecklas i mitt kreativa tänkande & sätt att skapa, och tycker framförallt att det är sjukt kul så även om denna video är lååånga vägar från att vara exakt så som jag egentligen kanske önskar(hashtag perfektionist) så bestämde jag mig screw it, jag tänker lägga ut den ändå! Och det känns ändå bra och väldigt kul. Så håll utkik för fler videos i framtiden!
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