2017 was quite the year; not all too bad but I would be lying if I said I wasn't glad to leave it behind. But instead of making a long list of all them memories and all them regrets; I'd rather look forward to things in 2018 instead! So here we gooo;
I already have two trips to London booked, and I am 90% sure I will be going on a trip to Spain at one point as well as to Finland! Also trying to squeeze in a weekend-trip to Scotland and perhaps one to Italy as well, but we'll see. Will definitely be traveling up to the north of Sweden at least once and I also have my friend Tasha from 'Murica coming to visit in april - so we'll probably be roadtripping all over Sweden as well!
Traveling is one of my absolute favourite things in the whole world so knowing I have so many things planned out already makes me so excited!!
Moving away from your parents and then having to have to move back in is quite challenging, but since I did choose to move to the other side of the world directly after high school it was quite a financial must, haha. I am very blessed to have a great relationship with both my parents but nevertheless I am still STOKED about finally moving out and getting my own place. I am intending on starting a studies in the area of graphic design/communication/media this coming autumn and I am beyond excited.
It'll be kind of weird too because of the fact that my parents are moving to another city as well, so this will literally be my last time ever staying in my childhood-house and childhood-town. A very strange & nostalgic feeling but even more so an excitement to finally get the heck out of here, ha.
stop caring; take more chances.
I care far too much about what people think of me, even in the smallest of things; and I'd like to challenge myself to chill out this year. Why does it matter so much what people think of me? Why do I care? What am I even afraid of? Tbh I probably won't be able to answer that at the end of this year either(the great struggle of social anxiety, ha) - but hopefully I can at least testify to say that I did at least tried to do things this year the way I wanted to, and that I didn't limit myself because of other peoples opinions.
I think especially in my clothing style I'd like to challenge myself! I'm all about wearing black on black on black on black and tbh I love it and that probably won't change all too much either - but I am still quite into fashion & make up and love different styles too but I'm always too intimidated and scared to stand out that I never dare to try things out; so in this area I would definitely like to take more risks in 2018!
mental health & self care.
I would like to make it more of a priority to take care of myself; and as cheesy as it sounds, do more of what makes me happy! healthy = happy.
At the end of 2017 I actually dared to ask someone to become my mentor, and even if we haven't met that many times yet I can already tell it has taught me a lot. I want this to be the year I try out therapy too; with an actual professional to talk to. It scares me to death but I know it would be so beneficial.
social media.
I am quite the internet nerd and even though I am in charge of quite a few other social media accounts I am such a chicken when it comes to posting on my personal one. I second doubt the content, the quality, the things I write, the way I act...everything just in absolute fear of being judged or being called weird. Which is just ridiculous when it can literally be about a silly instagram post. This obviously goes in line with the stop caring point earlier; so that's basically what I need to do and practice!
I want to challenge myself to post more on all my platforms; because I do actually love social media and I think it's such a great way to be creative. Therefore I want to really start posting more to challenge myself to be more creative with my content! To film more, photograph more, write more and so on!
Aand there you have it, my 2018 goals! Have you set any goals or resolutions?
looking at 2018 like... ha
(honestly a good representation of how i feel... gazing into the future, a little doubtful, a little hopeful.., but mainly...mainly...just trying to cover up my dark circles from lack of sleep with some wannabemodelweirdass-pose)
Liten lista på mina nyårslöften/mål med 2018! Lite för lat för att översätta allt (men yay för ett ambitiöst & produktivt år;) ) MEN en summering på allt är att jag vill resa en massor, flytta hemifrån, utmana mig själv att vara mer kreativ & lägga ut mer på social media, att prioritera vad jag vill & sluta överanalysera om vad andra tycker och till sist att ta hand om mig själv bättre(prioritera egentid & hälsa)!
Har du satt några nyårslöften?
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