And I have to add we took the train from Nuwara Elya and wooow would highly recommend doing that. For some reason I didn't take any pictures but there were so many gorgeous views the entire way!!
Vi spenderade våra två sista dagar i vakcra Negombo på ett hotel precis bredvid havet, så himla najs! Det var så mysigt och avslappnande! Tyvärr blev många i teamet sjuka dock, så det sög verkligen!
Måste även lägga till att vi tog tåget dit ifrån Nuwara Elya och woooow det skulle jag verkligen rekommendera för var SÅ vackert. Jag tog inga kort av någon anledning, men det var verkligen så himla fint!!
That man in the middle was literally the most annoying salesman ever that just wouldn't give up...
My mom is the cutest
Jessica and I ordered a strawberry milkshake each at the hotel, but got chocolate ones instead. We told the waiter when he came and he just answered "yes yes this is strawberry", and we just laughed a lot at it and decided not to mention it again. Kalle had however complained on the hotel so many times so we decided not to tell him, but he overheard us saying that haha. so he convinced us we should tell them so he did and then we actually got two apologies and then got two new ones for free, yay! It was all really funny, but so worth it at the end because we both agreed those were like the best milkshakes we've ever tasted.

We went to both a fish-market and a fruit-market and it's safe to say we enjoyed h´the fruit one a lot more... It was interesting seeing how big the fish-market was and how it worked since it's a big thing there, but it smelled absolutely horrid and it was like a never ending tour so we were glad to leave to go to the fruit-market. The "fruit-market" however, didn't have as much fruit as we would have wished. There were more random things than fruits unfortanely. But we got some coconuts at least!
Vi åkte till både ne fiskmarknad och en fruktmarknad! Det var intressant att se hur stort det är och hur det fungerar på fiskmarknaden, eftersom det är en sån stor 'industri' där. Tyvärr var den ganska hemsk dock pga att det luktade helt groteskt och det kändes som att touren aldrig tog slut... Vi var glada att åka och köpa frukt. Men "frukt-marknaden" som vi blev tagna till var till majoritet mest en massa random grejer och inte så mycket frukt. Men vi fick lite olika kokosnötter iallafall!
After two days in Negombo it was time to travel home. Such a great trip with a great team!! Feeling superblessed!
Sedan efter två dagar i Negombo så var det dags att resa hem. Fantastisk resa med ett fantastisk team! Så tacksam.
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