tisdag 29 mars 2016

BH Cosmetics Palettes Review

For Christmas this year I got some BH Cosmetics make up from my sister Victoria, and it included these two palettes; and to make a long story short I have basically fallen in love with them. So many pretty colours as well as good quality, I looove it! 

A little side note is that I did not edit the pictures of when I try the make up on to show more of how it really looks, however though, my skin tone is ultra pale so it will most probably look quite different on someone else! (and also, no... I do not shave my arms... shaving my legs regurarly is effort enough for me lol) 
This is out of the two definitely the palette I go to the most. There's just so many beautiful natural colours in it!
This is a poorly taken picture and I apologize, but I do really love these colours. I definitely use the first one the most, it's the perfect base to any kind of make up. The second one works quite well as a base too if you're going for a more glittery look. 
Obsessed with every single one of these. I for sure use the first & the third one the most, but I find them all so pretty!
The first one makes for a gorgeous highlighter, and the second one as well if you want it even more defined. I will admit I haven't really used the other two as my skin tone very rarely approve of these kind of warmer tones, but I will probably give it another try in the near future. 
I consider this as a more of a "nighttime" palette even though it has a lot of neutral colours as well. It's honestly a very good mixture of darker as well as lighter shades
The sixth one is for sure the one I've used the most, but I love the third one & the seventh one as well, just can't get enough of them neutrals haha. I do love adding a little bit of pink as well so the second, fourth and fifth comes in hand too!
As you could probably tell in the photos above, the seventh one is for sure the one I use the most of them all. It makes for a very defining colour on me and I love it. I also like the first one and the fifth a lot as well!
The first one is perfect for darker shaded make up looks, & I also like using it close to my eyes, so that it gives the same impressions as an eyeliner. The second one, sixth one and seventh one are perfect for more neutral looks as well. 
Again; colours with warmer tones is unfortunaly not the perfect fit on me, but the fifth one works quite well if I have the time to really shade it. 

What palettes have you been loving lately? 

söndag 20 mars 2016

Spring is here

Living in LA means sunshine almost everyday, and although that of course has its perks, I definitely miss having all four seasons. 
I actually used to get really bad migraine from the sun, but after being here for so long I've gotten so used to it that it doesn't bother me at all anymore, I actually rather think that any degrees lower than 20 Celsius/65 Fahrenheit is frightening, lol. I do miss the rain sometimes though, and I miss the beauty of when one season ends and another one comes up even more. 

However, the spirit of the seasons is still here. The winter was quite cold, although very short. And now in march there are flowers SPRINGing up everywhere! (see what I did there?)  
I absolutely love it. Even though it's way hotter than back home it makes it feel like just a regular spring. 
I snapped a few photos of some flowery beauty when I was out on a walk with one of my staff members precious dog Milan! 

onsdag 16 mars 2016

One of them Project sites

I've expressed my love for my adopt a block site Pueblos many times before. So many people look at the project sites as dangerous and 'should be avoided' & 'hopeless cases', but I don't see that at all. I see families, and friends. Kids with so much joy & hope for the future. I absolutely love being there and getting to know the people there. They're some of the best people I've gotten to know.  I've never been really comfortable with my skin tone as I am the absolute palest of the palest, and I will admit Pueblos makes me wish more and more that I was either Mexican or black, haha. I just feel like they got it right. 
Anyhow, I've truly learned about unconditional love being here, I would go more than three times a week if I could. The kids are not always the easiest to love, cause trust me when I say they know how to cause trouble haha, but I love them so much, and all I want is a bright future for them. 
Knowing that some of these kids, youth, families, goes to bed scared & harmed makes me physically sick. Its so so so so so so incredibly unfair. I just wish so deeply that I could be able to make a difference. And I hope by the little time I've been here that I've shown them at least some kind of part of the comfort and love that Jesus has for them, so that they know that they're never alone, and that they're never to be judged, and that they know that their future IS bright.
I have no idea why God chose to bless me with a great home but I will never take it for granted, and I want to use it for His glory to show people that anything is possible with God. 
"Whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you Will recieve." ~ Matthew 21:22
My prayers goes out to their community daily, and I will admit that my biggest anxiety of leaving LA in June; is honestly and truly about leaving them.

måndag 14 mars 2016

Delayed New Years resolutions

never posted anything about my New Years resolutions for the year, and even though it's already 3 months in... I figured why the heck not post them now? It's a good reminder to keep striving for the goals you've set, cause as I was reading through them I definitely got convicted since I realised I haven't fully been living them out...at all. But hey, better late than never, still got 9 months to go!

1. Fearless. 
Fearless is my word for the year. I have suffered with phobias and anxiety attacks in my life, and although I've grown out of the worst part of that(thank The Lord) I still have it occasionally. I do wanna focus on being more Fearless this year, and that is a big part of it, But I also do believe my main Fear in life is the opinions of others. I am a major people-pleaser and I love being there for people, but I often get stuck just trying to become what everyone wants me to be, and if I can't achieve it I get envious-ish & stuck in the comparison game. 
But I honestly don't care what others think of me anymore, and I refuse to continue to live a life of being too scared to be myself in every situation. So what if strangers tell me to get a spray tan because my legs are so white they're blinding people, if I feel like wearing shorts, I will anyways. So what if people think I'm too quiet, if I don't have anything important to say, why should I make something unimportant up when they'll forget it five minutes later anyways? So what if people think my sense of humour is ridiculous, I'm having fun and they're not. In any small things like that I want to be more fearless. It's my life and nobody else's, so why live it in fear of their opinions? I'm choosing to not care anymore. It's definitely a working progress for me to have that mindset to a 100%, but it is my goal to be able to maybe at least have it to a 90% by the end of the year. 

2. Love myself more.
The classic thing is to put resolutions on how to improve, and when I was about to do that, I realised I always give myself such a hard time. I learned a lot about self acceptance in 2015, but not enough, so I decided on being intentional with changing the way I think and talk about myself. I love the quote "To change your life you need to change the way you think!". Way easier said than done, but something worth striving for.
"Grow where you are planted. If that means you'll stick out then so be it, uniqueness is beautiful."

3. Taking better care of myself. 
Physically & emotionally. 
Putting up more boundaries & prioritise alone-time. Spend more time doing the things I enjoy. Treat myself. Go on more walks. Work out. Get my sleeping schedule together.(!) Eat healthier. Drink more water. Smile more. Take better care of my nails & my skin. 
In other words; "Be the best version of You". Felt like this quote just summed up what I was trying to say. 

4. Blog consistently.
I feel like this one I've actually succeeded on quite a lot better compared to last year, just gotta keep it up! I would like to post more frequently though, and I also gotta bring my camera more often so I won't only have iPhone quality photos. 

5. Make a few YouTube videos. 
As for this one it goes hand in hand with the first one ~ gotta be more Fearless, and not be afraid of what people will think.
I've been wanting to do this for years, but been to scared to, and now I am making it internet official that I will actually give it a shot this year. 
( In case you're curious; Dress ~ Forever21, Necklace ~ Forever21, Flannel ~ BikBok ) 

6. Be more Relaxed. 
I am very much a control freak & a plan freak, and this year I want to try to be more Relaxed. 
If you are not a planner then bare with me, because this is probably going to sound like I'm crazy to you ~ but I want to be more structured so that I can find more time to relax & rest. So that I'll intentionally make myself to relax. 
I also want to be more relaxed in areas that I can't control. Like when plans fail, or when my roommate lets her dirty dishes stand out for days, or when someone is chewing loudly ~ any silly little things like that, I do not want it to bother me. Because at the end of the day, why does it even matter? I just really want to learn to try to live in the moment this year. 

7. Be more Creative.
I love being creative & I love learning new stuff, but I often get so busy that "I get lazy" with it. But I want to really be intentional with being creative this year. 
Experiment more. Explore more. Write more. Create more. Read more. Photograph more. Learn more. Risk more! 

måndag 7 mars 2016


Went exploring in Chinatown LA with my sweet smallgroup-daughter Gracie! There's so many cool buildings & interesting small shops there, and almost everyone were speaking Chinese or English with a thick accent. I literally felt like we were in China for one day, I can't wait to actually go there one day! The weather was very lovely, so except for the fact that we got a little lost a few times it was basically just a perfect girls out day. 
Åkte till Chinatown LA med Gracie! Det är så många coola byggnader & affärer där, känns typ som att man är i Kina. Ser fram emot att faktiskt åka dit en dag! 
Var en väldigt rolig tjejdag, och vädret var perfekt också!
Chinatown wishingwell!