We didn't manage to time our weekend away when LFC was playing but we obviously couldn't go a weekend in Liverpool without at least visiting the arena, so we booked a tour! It was so freaking cool seeing the huge arena, the locker rooms, hearing about the history, seeing the shop & getting coffee with the Liverpool logo on it.. Such an exciting and fun experience. Feeling desperate to come back on an actual game now!!
Vi lyckades int tajma att åka hit en helg när Liverpool spelade hemmamatch men det kunde såklart inte hindra oss från att åtminstone åka till arenan, så vi bokade en tour! Var så himla mäktigt att se arenan, omklädningsrummen, affären, att få kaffe med loggan på... Så kul var det! Vill veeerkligen åka tillbaka hit på en match nu!!

Yeah whatever, my sisters cooler than me I suppose..
Such a memorable day!
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