fredag 30 december 2016


Just a few shots to represent what an amazing Christmas I had! I was working a lot the entire Christmas weekend which was kind of a bummer but it was still a very fun weekend! I just love everything about Christmas. The music, the cheerfulness, the quality time with loved ones, the decoration, the food, the candy... everything is just better in general haha. Actually really sad that it's over, already counting down to next year haha!
Några bilder ifrån årets fantastiska jul! Jobbade hela julhelgen vilket var lite tråkigt, men blev ändå en lyckad helg!! Är ingen hemlighet att jag älskar allt som har med julen att göra så det enda sorgliga är att den nu redan är över.. Har redan en nedräkning till nästa år haha! 

torsdag 8 december 2016

Christmas Market

Quite crappy photos but Saturday last week was such a blast. Myself and these three has an inside joke where I am the mom, Erik & Ludwig are the kids and Sisela is the grandma. So we decided to do some festive fun together as a 'family' for the holidays and went to a Christmas market! It was SO nice, I loved it very much!! 
There was beautiful decorations everywhere, Christmas music playing, cute Christmassy things to buy everywhere and trees eeeverywhere that were covered in fake snow & tiny bits of real snow. Cause it actually had snowed but there wasn't much left. It was beautiful and so festive, definitely a place I would like to go back to! 
My favourite part was probably the trail surrounded by all these snow filled trees leading the way to Santa, where my boys actually took a picture with him, (how cute are they??)
Such a fun afternoon, that ended with us going to Växjö afterwards for some real good pizza, haha. Perfection! 🍕

Inte så värst bra bilder, men åh vilken mysig lördag jag hade. Vi har ett litet internskämt om att Sisela är mormor, jag är mamman och Erik & Ludwig mina små söner, så vi bestämde oss för att hitta på nåt med vår lilla 'familj' nu innan jul; så vi åkte iväg till Kosta julmarknad! Har aldrig varit där förut men åh, det var så himla fint!! Vill definitivt dit igen nästa år!
Det var en jättefin marknad, med så fina dekorationer & med upplysta träd och en massvis med granar överallt. Det hade snöat lite dagarna innan, men den var knappt kvar, men det gjorde ingenting eftersom de hade rätt verklighetstrogen fejksnö på alla träden, och det gjorde verkligen att man fick ännu mer myskänsla! Min favoritdel var vägen till tomten som var en liten stig omgiven av en massa av snötäckta granar. Var så himla fint! 
Kvällen avslutades sedan med att vi åkte till Växjö för att käka pizza, haha. Perfektion. 👌🏻

torsdag 1 december 2016

Where Art Thou Winter Wonderland?

It's 1st of December!! ❤️
My favourite season has finally arrived. I have low-key been watching Christmas movies & listening to Christmas music since the end of August.... My family is almost as obsessed as me and we have this tradition to celebrate "Christmas in October" and we did this year as well. So much fun! And then I decorated for Christmas literally on November 1st. So yes, you could say I'm a bit overexcited about this holiday. And I can barely explain how excited I am that it has finallyyy arrived, and that I can now finally celebrate without being judged haha! Tis' the season! 

I am however missing the snow! We had snow at least like half of November but it disappeared and I'm so bummed about it! Just look at those pictures, oh how beautiful it was!! Ugghh I really hope and pray it'll come back to us soon!!
FYI, I will post some Christmas decoration bits from my room soon! 

måndag 21 november 2016


'You cannot find peace by avoiding life.' ~ Virginia Woolf 

Found this quote at the end of summer this year and it really struck me. Being an introvert as well as quite shy makes it so easy for me to avoid events and to go out and do stuff when I am going through a harder season, it's just more comfortable for me to be alone and stay at home. I tend to just crawl into my own shell and avoid everything that isn't obligatory. 
Although alone time is very important to me still, I think saying no to everything isn't always the answer when you're going through a rough patch. Late night hangs with friends, laughing with your family, watching a movie with your siblings, going for a walk with your mom, having dinner with your dad, catching up with an old friend... it's the small things that adds up to a happy life! I believe peace will be found when we enjoy these kind of small things that life has to offer, because they are in the end what matters most. Even if that in some cases means you have to make yourself enjoy them. 
I also believe making time for activities that makes you happy is important. For me one of those things is definitely horse riding, hence all the pictures. I've been horse riding back and forth since I was a child, and I always find myself going back to it. It's the most peaceful thing in the world to be around horses and it makes me so genuinely happy. ☺️

The definition of "At Peace" :
  1. in a state or relationship ofnonbelligerence or concord;not at war.
  2. untroubled; tranquil; content.
  3. deceased.

Not at war, untroubled, content.... wouldn't it be lovely to live like that all the time?  
Well guess what, you can! 
Worrying, avoiding and overthinking is what kills peace. So if you make it your mission to find out a few things that you worry, avoid and overthink about you can work to become better in those areas and get yourself on the road to peace. 
As an axample, I worry sick about the future and about what people think of me, and I overthink and obsess about it all the time. And even so I ignore these facts and pretend that I'm not anxious about anything and just go on with life. And as that may work for awhile, and I can live pretty well with it, I can never like like that and be truly peaceful... and it sucks...
Haha. But to be able to receive peace and to live your life in peace you have to deal with your main issues no matter how hard it is. And for majority of people I believe the issue is that they're at war with themselves. It can be bitterness, unforgiveness, self hate, self pity etc., things that YOU are in control of actually changing. You just have to find a way to change the stubbornness of your own mindset, which is freaking hard because there's no cheat-way around it. But it's so bloody worth it! 
You only get one life on this earth so let's make the best of it! And live it in the best, the happiest and the most peaceful way you possibly can! 

'I'm leaving you at peace. I'm giving you my own peace. I'm not giving to you as the world gives. So don't let your hearts be troubled, and don't be afraid.' ~ John 14:27

onsdag 26 oktober 2016

Photosess on the parking structure



Some more pics from the top of the parking structure of the photosession my sister and I had, It was freeezzingg and raining but they turned out pretty cool(cheers to fake smiles!). So if you thought it was some cool editing fixes on them, nope, just raindrops helping two amateurs out!
Lite mer bilder ifrån när jag och Victoria tåg lite bilder på toppen av parkeringshuset. Det var sjukkkttttt kallt och det regnade, men vi blev ändå rätt nöjda med resultatet(fakesmiles deluxe). Så om du trodde det var coola redigeringsgrejer fixade så trodde du fel, bara regndroppar som hjälpte till!