tisdag 31 mars 2015

March photobomb

Some other random fun pics from march! (:
Lite blandade roligheter från mars! (:

A day at americana with these lovely ones!!
Sophie Fashion Petersson. ;P
SO true. Especially living here. At adopt a block I get to meet and serve new people every day, and also work and serve with new people every day. It has made me realise how important it is to enjoy every moment in life, and take advantages of them. Time is gonna pass anyway, so why not make the best of it?
// SÅ sant. Speciellt när jag bor här. På adopt a block så får jag träffa och tjäna nya människor varje dag, och också jobba och tjäna med nya människor varje dag. Det har fått mig att inse hur viktigt det är att leva i nuet och verkligen njuta och ta vara på varje ögonblick. Tiden kommer gå förbi en hur man än gör, så varför inte göra det bästa av den?
That one time my roomie climbed up on a garbagecan to pose for a picture... haha.
Ice-cream date with this one!
Skype with my dad and my dog. Miss them both dearly.
Janclan coffeedate!! :D
Echo Park with my smallgroup-siblings + a bunch of other people from Janclan!
I just love my home here. The dream center amazes me so much, The work they do is amazing.
Had a night out with the janclan-girls. We went to Barnes&noble (which fyi is the best store EVER), and we all had to pic one book for everyone of us that we thought described that person. It was hard but a lot of fun! After that went and had this. So weird, but so good!!
<3 whenever I miss my sister, my mom or my best friends back home.. I am very grateful for skype and facebook to help keep in touch with everyone back home!
"I can't read swedish!!" - Eyraina
"....it's in english..." - me
"ohh rightrightright..." - Eyraina
Haha. Another fun coffee-date with this one! <3
Another inspirational quote. :)

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