tisdag 30 september 2014

Sri Lanka Part 1

Mom and I visited Sri Lanka together. It was my first time outside of europe and it was so much fun! I got to Sthlm with my dad and spent the day with him working the 17th of september and at night-time we had dinner with mom that arrived and with my uncle. On thursday mom and I left at aroundish 12 I believe and travelled until friday at noon (Sri Lankan time). Then a six hour drive to Nuwara Eliya were we stayed. It was fun but exhausting. on the way back I couldnt believe I slept so good, haha. The streets werent exactly straight... haha.

We got about an hour to get ready before we left to the conference. There was a conference every night the first weekend we were there. And during the day we just relaxed and did some activities. Monday-wednesday mom taught at the bible-school and during the nights we did other activities. Wednesday night we went to a hotel in Candy, six-hour drive again, and stayed there until late thursday night when we went home.

Mamma och jag åkte till Sri Lanka tillsammans. Det var första gången jag var utanför europa och det var så kul!! Jag åkte till Stockholm och spenderade dagen tillsammans med pappa och med hans jobb 17e september. På kvällen åt vi middag med mamma som kom då och med min morbror. På torsdag åkte vi runt 12 tror jag och reste fram tills fredag förmiddag, Sri Lanka-tid. Sedan åkte vi bil i sex timmar till Nuwara Eliya där vi bodde. Det var kul men uttröttande, på vägen tillbaka fattar jag inte att jag kunde sova så bra, haha. Vägarna var inte raka direkt... haha.

Vi hade sedan en timma på hotellet innan vi skulle till konferensen. Fullt ös medvetslös. Det var en intensiv vecka. Konferens varje kväll hela helgen. På dagarna tog vi det rätt så lugnt och gjorde bara några aktiviteter. Måndag-onsdag så undervisade mamma på bibelskolan och på kvällarna gjorde vi andra aktiviteter. Men onsdagkväll åkte vi till ett hotell i Candy, sex timmar i bil igen, och stanade där tills sent torsdag kväll/natt då vi åkte hem. 

I have noo idea who that was, haha. But as soon as you had a camera, everyone loved you.
 This colour tho
This first guy here was a pastor far away, but he grew up in the place we were in so when he heard we had a conference he came her on a bike, and it took him three hours I believe. Woah. Now that's dedication.
 These kids though <3
 These guys stayed extra long every night, and they always called me sister or miss. But the last night they called me "my friend Joy". I think I've might have died. SO CUTE!!
 SO beautiful everywhere!

Keep calm and gangnam style.
 In honour of us being there they wanted us to plant a tree, a lime-tree. So cool!
 Their school! :)
 Their school. Around 30students in every classroom. Breaks my heart that it was so tiny.
This guy, Dajal, was such a boss.
 Don't mind my frizzy hair.. it literally didn't look good one single day haha. Cannot handle the heat. But luckily everyone thought it looked great anyways cause it's bright lolz. One of these kids, Gogonaj, touched my hair one of the days and asked "colored yeah? and when i told him it was my natural he just stared and then started to stroke it "ohh myyy". Haha, soo cutee!
 With the princible of the school!
 Seeing the kids go absolute nuts in worship was awesome!
 This kid.... ahh so cute!!
<3 them