fredag 3 januari 2014

Dan före dopparedan

In Sweden we do not only have the 24th and 25th as "red days", but also the 26th. We celebrate most of our holiday on the 24th, and yes we open our gifts that day too, nightime though. And then we usually chill, hang with friends or occasionally go to some kind of christmas-party at the 25th and 26th.
We also have a name for the 23rd even tho its not a day off from work and so on. We basically just bake, cook, clean, wrap presents and at night-time, watch a live-show called bingolotto.We call the day "dan före dopparedan", translated kind of like "the day before".

Dan före dopparedan spenderades som alltid med att städa, baka, laga mat, slå in presenter och till kvällen, Bingolotto såklart!

I have soo many pictures with my trying to be in their picture, but the always continued to make sure I couldnt. Of course when they finally allowed me it became blurry... // Har så sjukt många bilder när jag försöker få vara i deras bild, men de fortsatte att se till att jag inte blev med. När de tillslut tillät mej så blev den såklart suddig...
 Super Mario decorations!
Skink-smörgås precis som 80% av alla andra svenskar i landet! :D

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