From January-August I did my first year of Dream Center Leadership School (DCLS), and it was some of the best but hardest months of my life. I was challenged and stretched in so many different areas of my life. I made so many great friends, that I now consider family, and I have so many amazing stories, memories & experiences that I'll never forget.
Everything from having to fight some battles in my personal life, to feeding homeless, to serving at the church, to having my sister come visit & go to Disneyland, to going on morning hikes, to learning more English & experience the American culture, to getting really bad sunburns from being at the beach, everything, it was such an awesome year.
And in the middle of summer, just a few weeks before our graduation on august 9th, God put on my heart to apply for a 2d year, for DCLS fall class and not January class. It was a crazy thought considering I would only be able to go home for about three weeks before coming back and starting again, and in that time have to apply for a new VISA to even be allowed back in the states. It was also a scary thought considering that I barely knew anyone in that class, and that my sister Lollo and my two best friends Sisela & Sophie were not gonna be with me. It was an even more crazy thought considering that I was pretty much broke, so another year would mean I'd have to borrow even more money from my parents. But even though it was scary & crazy & slightly insane, it felt right and I knew God had put it in my heart, so I applied, and I got accepted. And it all worked out.
I went home after grad for a just few weeks, hung out with my dear family & friends whom I had missed very much, applied for a VISA & got it accepted,
And then after those three weeks, I went back here to LA and now I've been here for almost three months. It's been three very busy, but amazing, months. It's weird to think about how some of these people were strangers just three months ago, but now I consider them my best friends.
I would lie if I said everything's been super easy, cause I have been homesick and stuff has been challenging, and everything's also been really busy, but I do feel so very blessed & thankful to be here for another year!
My small but great graduating class!
Smallgroup-family my first year! The Rosmoores! :)
Dreamteam!! My roommate, my sister & my best friend. Miss them all dearly.
My parents & my dog in my beautiful home city in Sweden!