Went to London with 30ish awesome people from my church and had theee best time! Sight-seeing, Harry Potter, London aquarium, shopping, Hillsong conference and just a general good time with loads of laughter!
Ca 30pers från kyrkan åkte till London tillsammans och hade verkligen en helt sjuukligt bra resa! Turistande, Harry Potter tour, London aquarium, shopping, Hillsong conference och i allmänhet bara en sjukt bra resa fylld med skratt!
Photobomb with a capital P.
De tre små kyckligarna på väg tillbaka!! #IDABea och jag var på cray humör som vanlig....
Väl framme i London!
Ofc they had to have this at a british hotel...
The whole gang!
Londons milkshake brings...everyone....to the yard...
Her literal reaction when I posed with her milkshake.....lol
"Londons strawberry milkshake isnt even that good" ....
It seemed like a great idea! ....until you tried it.
Micke, the only one out of all of us who actually liked it. #weirdo
Classic Oskar. Classic Austin.
caught ya
Ready for a new day!
The M&M house!Harry Potter tour - Diagonal Alley inspiration place!
Ron Weasley wannabe
Looking goodd
Ministry of magic below us!
with ma bae
This pic pretty much sums up how hot it was that day
Matchinnn! (altho in the movie it was black....)
Ended the tour with buying some chocolate frogs...
fail big ben-selfie
But Linn tho.. #model
Tried to take a selfie but my hair wasn't cooperating...
Went to the aquarium! It was sweet, altho it sucked cause we were kinda stressed, I was nauseas because of dehydration and also there were no dolphins. But it was still kinda fun, so many cool animal!
Went back to the city to eat!
Had a crazzy night with these people...
Tried to take a selfie but my hair wasn't cooperating. As always.
So much going on in this picture...
Lol. We were so weird an loud at the subway....we got three people to change seat....Oops?
midnight-walk cause....yolo
My roomates for the week, tha bestest!De tre små kycklingarna! #IDA
yes please
Lol Bea... #linslus
Shopping-day with this gurrrl. Literally SO much fun!
thats my future kid right there....
let it gooooo
Rapunzel's beauty is nothing compared to Beas tho....
Like seriously....
She didn't respond I don't understand
:* ...forgot I was wearing lipstick and may o may not have left a stain....oops
I feel ya
Yoohooo big summer blowout
I want that hat....
!!!!!! this bookstore was amazing from the start. Seriously had every book I could ever want...oh man we loved it there. I also feel the need to quote a random dude in the store; "So you're from Sweden...with an American accent?!" ohyesss #nailedit #perfectenglish
Sweden powah
Best milkshake in the world!
whyy does it feel soo gooood so good to be baacckkkk?!Glada tjejor efter lång shopping-dag!
always with his apples...haha
Mine-me and mini-Bea
It was shaped like a heart....like it was meant to be..
This is from the last day, spending it only at Hillsong conf!Nandooos!
Found Findus & Lollo laying outside of our room dying out of laughter because of the keys who disconnected for the third time and I had to document it... lol
4am and Findus gave up....it's funny cause I literally took this while I was barely awake myself...
Finishing up with a pic from the conference. I had an amazing trip with my amazing church-family. <3 But the main part we went there was because of Hillsong conference and honestly it was the best part. Got so encouraged and pumped for all that is to come. There is no other name but Jesus!